Sunday, April 28, 2019

Tips for Giving Yourself IVF Med Shots

When you are undergoing IVF treatments, you learn the art of properly giving yourself an injection. For some women this task seems daunting as initial injections may be uncomfortable to administer. To ease the burden of giving yourself a shot for Menopur 75 IU, learn the best tips and tricks from women who have been down this road before you. From learning how to prep the injection site properly to finding ways of settling your nerves, these tips help you effortlessly give yourself your IVF med shots.
It is important to remember that your IVF shots are quick to administer. Some women experience pain whereas others experience discomfort either from the injection itself or because they are afraid of needles. Conquering your anxieties about your Menopur 75 IU injections is easy once you have repeated the process over a designated period. Your initial injection is going to feel like the scariest shot, but once you gain confidence in your ability to complete this task, you are going to feel better in no time.

Things to Expect from Your IVF Med Shots

After discussing the menopur 75 iu cost with your doctor, you are going to receive your injections with a detailed scheduled indicating when to administer the shots. IVF injections are commonly administered in one of two ways:
  • Intramuscular injections insert the fertility medication into the muscle directly. These injections typically require the use of a longer needle as you must ensure the needle is inserted properly into the muscle before administering the IFV medication. Most women administer the intramuscular injection into the outer quadrant of their buttocks.
  • Subcutaneous injections insert the fertility medication with a smaller needle. When receiving this type of IVF shot, inject the medicine into your stomach or the front area of your thigh.
Women who receive subcutaneous injections are given an injection pen, similar to the pen provided to patients with diabetes. With an injection pen, women feel a slight pinching sensation when administering the IVF medication. Some women experience a tingling sensation as the Menopur 75 IU is injected into the skin when using subcutaneous injections.
With the intramuscular injections, you may benefit from asking your partner for assistance. In doing so, you are ensuring the needle is inserted properly into your muscle and you are decreasing your anxiety as well. Having a partner present allows you to handle the injection more calmly.

How to Properly Prepare for Your IVF Med Shots

After you have received approval for IVF med shots, determine the best menopur 75 iu price and select the amount you need to complete your designated injection cycle. Buy Menopur Injection 75 IU from a reputable brand to ensure you are receiving the best quality medication.
Before your give yourself your IVF med shot, be sure to clean your hands and the area of your skin where you are going to receive the injection. Be sure to wipe down the area with an alcohol wipe or swab as this helps sterilize the skin. Prepare the medication and any syringes or injections pens you require. Next, place the Menopur 75 IU medication into the syringe or injection pen while holding the device upright. If you are using a syringe, tap on the side of the syringe to remove any air bubbles before administering the injection. Do not let the tip of the syringe touch any surface as this introduces germs to the device.are ivf injections painful
If you are administering a subcutaneous injection, pinch the skin lightly to pull the fat away from your muscle. This helps to ensure you do not experience any added pain upon injection. Insert the syringe or injection pen at a 45-degree angle or a 90-degree angle until the full length of the device is under your skin. Let go of your skin if you are using the pinching method, push down on the syringe or pen to administer the medicine, then remove the needle.
For those who are nervous about administering their Menopur 75 IU shot, take a few deep breaths before you inject the medicine. When you are exhaling, take this moment to insert the needle. This helps you remain calm and focused. If you are administering an intramuscular injection, place a heating pad over the muscle for approximately 10 minutes before you inject your medicine. This helps your muscle to relax which makes the process easier to manage.

Personal Experience with Menopur and Other IVF Med Injections

The Bump Infertility Message Board
Patient one: Describes having intense pain with the Menopur injection but after speaking with a nurse and her doctor, she realized that lowering the dosage would help ease the pain. Patient recommends injection Menopur 75 IU into the belly area and suggests icing the skin for approximately 10 minutes prior to injection. She says allowing the Menopur to sit for 15 minutes before injection helps ease the pain and improves the overall experience as well.
Patient two: She indicates she experienced similar problems with the initial Menopur 75 IU injections but noticed considerably less pain as she continued through her scheduled cycle. Patient recommends allowing the alcohol to dry completely before injecting the dosage. Residual alcohol increases the stinging sensation according to the patient.
Patient three: She states it is easiest to inject the Menopur 75 IU medication slowly. Patient suggests that when you introduce the needle to the skin more slowly, you reduce the risk of experiencing an elevated level of pain. has been partnering with couples for more than three decades, and is one of the primary suppliers of infertility drugs to clinics, hospitals, and fertility clinics worldwide. You can buy infertility drugs online directly from us as well. Call today to find out more!

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Like Menopur? Thank a Nun!

As with many breakthrough fertility medication discoveries, it often happens by chance, luck or divine intervention. In the case of Menopur, considering the first essential components were donated by postmenopausal nuns, divine intervention seems apt.

Menopur, often used as an IVF medication, and its discovery is one among many odd medicinal wonders. Consider that Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin after leaving bread out in his less-than-hygienic lab. Or did you know that Viagra was first developed as a hypertension treatment for high blood pressure?  Of course, it had other uses, they discovered.

Menopur: A Holy Cause

Menopur was developed in the 1940s by a scientist, named Donini, whose goal was to help repopulate Europe after World War II. The company he worked for had developed the ability to purify and extract luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) by using urine from already pregnant women. However, he found that postmenopausal women had super high concentrations of the hormones.

When in menopause a woman’s body produces these hormones in excessive quantities trying to stimulate the ovaries into producing more eggs (even if there are no more to produce). The question for Donini became: Where do I get a large quantity of urine from women who are menopausal to continue to develop the medication? Enter, the nuns. When told about the holy cause of helping women to have children, 400 volunteered. From all across Italy’s Catholic retirement homes came tankers of donated urine.

Menopur Successfully Treats Infertility

Decades of testing finally produced a viable and stable menopur injectable that resulted in the first birth in 1962. Over the next two years there would be 20 more menopur success stories. Flash forward to the 1980s and the demand for “the special ingredient” had risen so significantly, the company knew they needed to synthesize the hormones. The resulting drug is today called Gonal-F and was approved for use in 1995.

Menopur Fertility Injections

Today, you can still get menopur to assist and support your body’s reproductive health. It is most often sold as a vial with powder in it. In the package there is often a separate vial with purified water. You take a certain amount of the water, inject it into the vial with the powder, shake it up to mix, and then inject the mixture. Menopur is often prescribed for women who have PCOS and who need both the FSH and LH hormones for egg production.

Personal Experiences with Menopur

Reddit/Infertility Forum

Patient #1: She is having difficulty with giving herself the Menopur shots and asks others for tips for giving herself the fertility drug shot. One poster stated she had the nurse take a sharpie and draw a circle so she could remember where the best injection site is (then continued to touch them up). Another said she found out the hard way that leaving even a small bit of Menopur on the end of the needle before injecting can make it burn worse. She recommends Patient #1 wipe the needle off with a sterile swab, then air dry before injecting.

Patient #2: On a different thread, same Menopur topic, this patient writes of her concern about the use of urine to create the IVF drug. Others quickly respond that it is made almost completely synthetically these days, but many say it would not matter because desperate times call for desperate measures.

Patient #1: A 40 year old woman asks others on the forum about Menopur and what she should expect. A 43 year old woman responds quickly and states that it most definitely helped her produce a good amount of eggs. She’s hopeful while in her 2ww. A 38 year old respondent reports she used Menopur and now has a happy healthy little girl. has been partnering with couples for more than three decades, and is one of the primary suppliers of infertility drugs to clinics, hospitals, and fertility clinics worldwide. You can buy infertility drugs online directly from us as well. Call today to find out more!

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Understanding the Follistim and Clomid Fertility Cocktail

Fertility drugs are often given in a combination, or cocktail because each offers your body a different type of support. For example, your RE may prescribe a dosage of Clomid 50mg for the first week or so (days 5-9), but then on subsequent days you also add in doses of Follistim to also jump start the process. Understanding why your doctor is prescribing these IVF medications as a combination treatment is key to understanding the process taking place within your own body.

Where Follistim and Clomid are concerned, as they say, knowledge is power, and taking control of your own reproductive health starts with understanding the basic mechanics. Chances are if you’re having trouble getting pregnant there’s an issue with egg production, development or the lining in your uterus just doesn’t want to thicken to reproductive peak. That’s where the fertility drugs come into play. Clomid helps if you have irregular cycles and allows you to predict ovulation. It also stimulates your ovaries, but the real powerhouse in the FSH world (follicle stimulating hormone), is Follistim because of its direct and almost immediate impact on the eggs Clomid has coaxed your ovaries into producing. Follistim works with Clomid to make sure eggs that are produced, stay around long enough to develop into viable IVF candidates.

What Others Have to Say About Their Follistim Experiences
Patient #1: A woman posts that her RE has just prescribed the Follistim and Clomid as a combination cycle and asks if anyone else has tried. The response was an overwhelming YES, and at least several posted that it worked better than any of the other treatments they’d tried. Another particularly recommended it if the patient was going to do an IVF treatment as it gives the best, most reliable results.

Patient #2: After using the combo cycle of 50 mg Clomid and Follistim 75 iu her lining was the thickest she’d ever had and triggered at least five days earlier. She highly recommends anyone considering the combo to definitely mention it to their RE.
Patient #1: A women nearing her 40s asks the community about the Follistim and Clomid combination cycle. She’s previously had a miscarriage and has not had success in getting pregnant since then. Suffering with PCOS and irregular periods have made getting pregnant very difficult. Her RE placed her on the usual dose of Clomid and the Follistim pen 150 iu and she wonders how fast everything works. The community responded positively telling her that with the higher Follistim dosage her trigger day may happen sooner. They also told her to expect to feel a little bloated and hungry after taking the injection.
Patient #1: A 27 year old woman shares she has been trying to become pregnant for three years and she is asking the group if she’s crazy to be considering IVF at her age. She says her tests have all come back normal but her husband’s SA is average but trending low. The community responds that both she and her husband ought to look into fertility drug treatment because it seems his counts are not optimal. Others share that the Follistim and Clomid cocktail should get things rolling and waiting too much longer means that egg production and quality will start to wane. Plus, they warn her, the IVF process and the IVF meds all take time to work.

Want to know more about discounted IVF meds, Follistim, or what to expect from the IVF process? Search our Blog for up to date answers to all your questions, or call us and talk to a LIVE PERSON about your situation. We are here for you.

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Top Four Things You Should Know Before Taking Gonal-F for Infertility

One of the most prescribed IVF medications today is Gonal F, which helps to stimulate your ovaries into producing viable eggs. Before taking any medication, whether it is to treat infertility or the common cold, it is a good idea to know what you are taking, why it was prescribed to you, and whether it is okay for you to take. Because everyone’s body chemistry is different what works for one person may not work for another.

This is especially true if you take other regular medications in addition to IVF drugs, because sometimes they can interfere with one another. Here are the top four things to know about the Gonal-F infertility drug before you start taking it.

One: Understand the Gonal-F Dosage You were Prescribed

Gonal-F comes in several strengths, and most ivf doctors prescribe the lowest dosage, first. You can get Gonal-F in three basic formulations:

· Gonal-F 75 IU.
· Gonal-F 300 IU.
· Gonal-F 450 IU.
· Gonal-F 900 IU.

Each of these infertility meds, regardless of strength, is injected. Keep it refrigerated.

Two: Side Effects You Can Have with Gonal-F

Most women experience zero side effects with this infertility drug, but if you do have side effects they are generally mild and include the following:
· Headache.
· Pelvic pressure or twinges.
· Nausea.
· Soreness at the injection site.
· Acne.  

Your doctor will also give you a list of side effects to watch for. Don’t hesitate to contact them if anything seems wrong. Waiting can be dangerous.

Three: Other IVF Medications You May take With Gonal-F

Gonal-F works with several other medications in combination to help your body produce eggs that are not only viable, but stay attached longer. Other ivf meds you may be prescribed include those drugs called HcG. They help with egg maturity. Make sure you tell your doctor the various types of other medications you routinely take as some over the counter meds, as well as prescription meds, can interfere with your IVF medications and make them ineffective.

Four: You Won’t be On These Drugs for Long

This can make you feel much better when you first start injecting your Gonal-F medications, as you may hate giving yourself shots. Your doctor does ultrasounds to see if the dosage you are on is successfully stimulating your ovaries. If the ivf drugs are doing the job, then you are only going to have to give yourself the shots for less than a month.

What Others Have to Say About Their Gonal-F Experiences
Patient #1: A 26 year old woman with PCOS on her left ovary was given her first round of Gonal-F and asked on the forum what to expect. She had suffered a devastating miscarriage the year previously. Posters were glowing about the Gonal-F dosages and nearly all reported success when taking it in combination with other ivf drugs such as Metformin. Everyone reassured her and less than 10 days later at her ultrasound two eggs were discovered. They were only 10, so she will begin waiting until they are at least 14 in size. She returned 10 days later for an ultrasound and at least one egg was viable. She was ecstatic.

Patient #2: A 33 year old woman reassured Patient#1 stating she took Gonal-F from days 3-10. She only had to do two rounds of Gonal-F before she produced viable eggs. She reports she is currently pregnant and the baby is due soon.
Patient #3: This 33 year old patient ecstatically posts that she just finished with her first round of Gonal-F in combination with IUI and Ovidrel and it has worked. She is pregnant with their first child and she wants to share the good news and encouragement with anyone having doubts about using Gonal-F to help stimulate ovaries. She suffers from chronic PCOS and stage three endometriosis. They’d been trying to conceive the natural way for more than seven years and she regrets not seeking help sooner.

Want to know more about discounted IVF meds, Gonal-F, or what to expect from the IVF process? Search our Blog for up to date answers to all your questions, or call us and talk to a LIVE PERSON about your situation. We are here for you.